From AlmostPerfect
To add to the programme, edit the page for each day. All the day pages are collected here. Full text of the programme is in FullProgramme - needs wikifying and moving here.
November 2006 | |||||||
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Sunday November 5th
opening day of the lab
Moday November 6th
- 14.00 Introduction to mediascapes
- 19.00 Sushi Meal
- 17.00 Contributing to Wiki
Tuesday November 7th
Artist Presentations
- 09.00 Artist Presentations
- 9:00am - Introduction - Lindsay ArtistPresentationsLindsay
- 9:10 - 9:40am - Julian Priest
- 9:40am - Michael Heimbinder
- 9:50am - Stephan Schulz
- 10:00am - Marie-Christiane Mathieu
- 10:10am - Darrick Baxter ArtistPresentationsDarrick
- 10:20am - Sarah Lazarovic ArtistPresentationsSarah
- 10:30am - Genevieve Godin ArtistPresentationsGenevieve
- 10:40am - Jo ReidArtistPresentationsJo
- 10:50am - Steve WoollardArtistPresentationsSteve
Wednesday November 8th
- 07.00 - 09.00 Breakfast - Dining Room
- 08.30 - 09.00 Technical Run Throughs - JPL 313
- 09:00 – 12:00 Artist Talks - JPL 313 ArtistPresentationsLindsay KurtisArtistTalk AdreaArtistTalk ToddArtistTalk MikeArtistTalk MarkArtistTalk ChantalArtistTalk PaulaArtistTalk
- 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch - Dining Room
- 13.00 - 15.00 HP Lab Session - JPL 313
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Josephine Reid, Senior Experience Design Researcher, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol
- 15.00 - 15.30 Art Break - Walter Phillips Gallery – Glyde Hall
At the beginning of each new exhibition, the Walter Phillips Gallery invites staff, artists, and work studies to make their coffee break an Art Break. Beat the afternoon carbohydrate crash with fresh ideas and inspiring art, supplemented of course with a sweet treat and a coffee. This Art Break will celebrate World Upside Down and Claude Closky, Journal, in PLAN B.
- 19.30 - Recommended: Playbill Series: Jim Cuddy - Eric Harvie Theatre
Thursday November 9th
- 7:00am - 9:00am Breakfast - Banff Centre Dining Room
- 9:00 - 11:00am HP Lab Session - JPL 313
- Using RF Pingers and IR beacons
In this session we will show you how to use the RF pingers and IR beacons in the Mediascape editor and deomnstrate their use.
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Josephine Reid, Senior Experience Design Researcher, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol
- 19.00 - 20.30 Domestic Video Plex Screening - 511 Spruce Street, Banff
Joseph del Pesco, Curatorial Workstudy, Walter Phillips Gallery
The Domestic Multiplex series brings video art from around the world to the homes of local residents. Home-screening visits are made by appointment and are accompanied by the program curator, Joseph del Pesco.
This screening will be hosted by Susan Kennard.
Friday November 10th
- 9:00am - 11:00am HP Lab Session - JPL 313
- In this session we will review how to organise your work and discuss initial prototype designs for each project.
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Josephine Reid, Senior Experience Design Researcher, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol
- 11:00am - 12:00pm - Entrance interviews - JPL Collaboration Lab
At the beginning of each residency, we like to sit down with each artist and chat about their project goals and offer some feedback. Please book your 30-minute appointment at Entrance_Interviews
- 1:00pm - 5:00pm Entrance Interviews - JPL Collaboration Lab
- 8:00 - 11:00 pm - MEME Media Arts salon (optional) - Lloyd Hall 2nd Floor Lounge
An opportunity to relax as a group, share work, watch videos, and have discussion. This is a self-organizing session - please use this page Meme_Media_Arts_Salon
Saturday November 11th
- 8:00pm - Recommended: Playbill Series: The Chucky Danger Band - Eric Harvie Theatre
Sunday November 12th
- 8:00pm - Recommended: Playbill Series: The James Keelaghan Trio - Margaret Greenham Theatre
- 8:00pm - Cultural Buy In - take your chances in the cultural casino
Monday November 13th
- 13.00 - 18.00 Cluster Musical Performance workshop -
- 19.00 - 21.00 Cluster Choral Walk - AP Collaboration Studio 13 Glyde Hall
Tuesday November 14th
• tracklines project • requirements for projects are changing in accountability using human subjects in research. money sources require new models of accountability when human subjects are involved in research and projects. this project is funded through research council network and requires accountability forms.
• question is how to deal with it without it stopping the projects we want to do.
• all institutions have an ethics tri-council determining ethics protocol. each institution has a version of their own.
Q: do these forms have international viability?
A: Don’t know. Know that institutions in the US have comparable laws.
A lot of these have to do with Aboriginal communities who worked together with other groups to put together protocols.
S: At Banff, it was first decided that all the activities here is research based. Decided that was too broad. Then it was changed to be more specific. If you are an artist doing research you do your work in the regular way.
J: In a way playing a piece of music is using human subjects.
S: Now we are trying to put research in a small area and have everyone continue to work on their projects in the regular way.
K: coming from institutionalization of the art pratice-issues around digital technologies, reconfiguring ourselves in relation to technologies, phd programs, the professionalization of art in relation to these other areas. I think there are other issues b eing raised about what constitutes creative subject. There is a shift in relation to what is creativity.
J: It’s interesting because in the open source movement, there has been movements relating to reinventing forms and licenses. Now I see it’s coming from the other side
(Introductions of Almost Perfect artist)
Regarding Mobile Digital Commons: (add names) Christopher Kline - software designer David di Sara - sound designer Angus Leech - Lead artist, MDCN
Angus: Track lines a mobile media design exploring how cell phones can deliver content on trails here in Banff. interested in finding ways to enhaunce park experience by making media that works with the environment and how the people use the space. It offers new how do people use mobile phones what kind of content and experience they are interestedin does mobile media belong on nature trails
interesting when you take technology into nature. what kind of media content would work how to create mmedia content that works in various communities. it comes with a lot of associated issues in terms of dealing with it as a context. context is an obsession because when you are locating media within environemtn, context becomes so important.
the track lines trail is popular and accessible in the region. parks eduction enjoys a growing partnership with Banff. this summer the parks has a person from park work with us to develop content.
what you will experience today is an in development version of tracklines that is the parks’ version developed in collaboration with the partk. often what peole what to do for he first time with lcoative media is tell stories in places. this is what we do. a natural history wwalk with a few added twists.
this experience is a research prototype in development. neither the content or functional,ity are finished. this is part of our deiesng philosophy and we do demos and get feedback as we go as we are deisgning. this insures our ginal product will be as successful as possible.ti fitsw in to the rapid prottype philosophy – we are building a search engine as we go. =sometimes wyou want to make more and think less – so we are now thinking less and doing more. we hope today this will open up as an experience a dialogue to help you aks or naswer questions about your own locative deisng. we have set up a rolling demo session – 1. this is aresidency about locative media and ti would be good to experience it first hand’ 2. participate in discussions about locative media development
we are exploring what locative media really is . we are interested in hearing what you think about your comments and responses and we can have a good critical discussion. we can absorb your feedback and make it better. we don’t tell them we are designers we say we are researchers and ask people to tell us what they really think.
from 4-6 – debrief session in this room (kim and Barbara)
today: 11- field trials every 15 minutes for groups of two. sign up on wiki. Explanation of signing up.
Q: Susan – Many of the projects in this residency have to do with environomental issues. Can you address that in terms of sustainable technologies?
A: In general, we are very much interested in implication of putting media into space and how it fits there, what it does, what the implications are. the idea of sustainability …part of that is recognizing that the context is everything to us. we want to proceed with as much respect for thep lace as possible. we are confronted with a major design issue. it is such an awesome environment already. how do you design emdia already. it’s all about figuring out what is going to fit in a complex evinropenment – sound ecology –eg. shaeffer – figuring out and mapping otut the ecology of sound space. we have to go through the process of understanding the palce before we can figure out if we can put media there. that’s what you do when you take a cell phone its like a little feral creature in the wilds. you are confrtonted with what is the meida and the space. some of the sound ecology work came to putting sound back into space. isf you play a certain type of sound in a room like this is sounds sone way but when you play it outside it begins to recomvine with other sounds in that space.
it’s a big discussion . a big challenge is responcting the psace, apprenticing otuselves to it and giuring out what kind of media fgits in th space itself.
story that one guy tells about teaching eecology in a fisheing boat. he said that the great thing is theis boat is a ricetty contraption fits in with the vinopmrnt in a way that a large boat wouldn’t. we are trying to fdigure out how to make the technology fit into the space – brings up issues like bio mimcry…
K: the context we think about locative media two intertwining aspects 1. loca - location : feeling the topographies, light, wind, seasonal changes. these locations are not just emersive but are e giving a lot of information to people ther. you can work with technology not to enhaunce something that is impoverished but create a relationship 2. motion – we are not static we are moving along a trail and through a pscaae. tracklines talks about whaltking through a space and what kinds of trackis you leave behind.
talking locative based research and participatory creation.
A: no longer a question of humans and computers but is now humans, computers and the world with the world as part of your design.
K: we can talk more about this but we have to practice it all the time – getting our questions better; getting our methology better. methodology isn’t something you apply to an experience but something that comes from the experience.
Participatory interaction/ integration. - Users are not consumers.
Archiving experiencing. - Taking something home? - Leaving something for other participants? - Tattoo on location. - GPS voting? Space as a polling booth.
Night-time experiences - New model
Impacts on the environment - Techno-tourists - Trampling through locations changing the perceptions of day-to-dayers.
Huge amounts of work are contributed to ensure that experiences are correct, but how do audiences interact?
Angus -creation of catalysts. -Not virtual environments. -Humbled -media is not the most important part of experiences. - Map - mapping a space. Maps are location media. Histories can be destroyed through eh creation of a map. - How does it fit within the space? - Work with existing communities. - How is locative media associated with art practices?
-'Practice of knowing a place'. - Layers of history. -Learning to see the space. In the dark. -Place is context- Community is context. Engagement between the two.
- What do people want to socially network? -If you build it they will come? -Empowering communities. -Community radio - passive and active - Sample size? Want it to be automatic. Hiking mode. Cultural use of space. Don't want to interact. - People are interacting with environment, not just with technology. - Stopping and resting - more time spent at a specific location. Interacting more. - Blast Theory - place replaced with a strong context.
Genres in locative media - One on one - informal trial analysis. -Gathering data - Bringing research methodology to projects. - Don't ask yes or no questions? - What did you like? -Describe your experience? -Semi vs structured way? -General narrative/sound/imagery. -Ask someone to question you before you ask the sample. -Themes of questioning. More time if one on one.
-Questioning people within the context that they have had the experience. -Day to day - communities/neighborhood vs Temporary communities. -Immediate reactions vs long term reactions - what did people hold on to? - Paying close attention whilst within the experience. - Participant observation. -Location already coded with meaning. - Anti-technological stimuli. - Finding a balance between technological/content obsession and isolation. -Giving introduction to technology.
Stephan -Waking up with a 3rd leg. Learning to walk again. -Self-centred art. -On the fly adjustments for live art locative media. - Less on the final outcome of the project but the process of bringing communites together.Going for beer afterwards. - What did the experience make you think/feel? -Playing harsh sound in an environment then stopping it. Audio senses are open and people are more aware of natural sounds.
Technology is the media for an experience. -Practical and functional design. - Researching - demystifies design questions. -Place more than media. - What everyone liked? -Having knowledge and making design adjustments. -Solidifies design process.
5 Tips ? User intergration - make deadlines happen ? Provides key data. Heuristic design. ? Implemented with care. Team building. ? Bring together everyone in the process. ? Exchange of skills. Awareness. ? Documentation that can be used for further projects.
November 15th
HP Lab Session 9:00am - 11:00am JPL 313
- Compass demo + Show and tell. In this session Ben will give a quick demonstration of the compass and then each artist should discuss and/or show any prototyping that they have managed to do so that Ben can review and advise on project implementation plans.
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Ben Clayton, Context-Sensitive Applications Researcher, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol
November 16th
HP Lab Session 1:00pm - 3:00pm JPL 313
- Interface design and implementation
- In this session Ben will show how to use buttons, on screen buttons, html and any other interface related components.
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Ben Clayton, Context-Sensitive Applications Researcher, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol
November 17th
November 18th
> For those who would love to experience the Hot Springs at night. > Rendez-vous tonight at 8PM in front of the Loyd Building. > •••
November 19th
November 20th
09.00 - 10.00 GIVE PROJECT UPDATES AND POSE questions. WIKI page for each project - JPL 313 010:15 – 11:15 Artist Talks - JPL 313 ArtistPresentations - Simon Pope, Elly Jones, Ben Clayton, Pamela Wilson (see below for notes from presentations)
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch - Dining Room
13.00 - 15.00 HP Lab Session - JPL 313
HP Lab Session 13:00 am to 15:00 am JPL 313
- Logging, tracking and status
In this session Ben will demonstrate how to use the inbuilt features such as Logging, debug, status indicators. He will also show how you might create a "Wait for a fix" prolog.
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Ben Clayton, Context-Sensitive Applications Researcher, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol
Monday (nov. 20th) TO BE RECONFIRM
> ListeningRoom
> 7:30 to 9 PM @ room 124
> There will be a very good sound system.
> if you have something (sound) you would like to check just bring it.
> Also we have a few propositions to trigger your ears.
• reader at Cardiff school of design
• supervision hours spent with post grad. students or supervising students on a design for interactive media
• practice started over 10 years in software development and moved toward visual arts particularly in locative media
• projects:
- charade
o invited two artists to make work
o chose the object and become part of work by memorizing the work
o invited people to workshop and look at how people take knowledge into body
o people gathered in april in victorial square to walk about in city centre reciting things they heard from network
o comes from film far 451 (the temperature at which paper burns)
• working with artists and community forming task collectively • new way of working personally
• people came together like a flash mob and turned up in public space each manifesting text or gesturing the segment they memorized.
- walking here and there with Vaughan Bell, researcher
o looks at interaction among walking, memory, space and place
o science art collaboration
• began as a project here at Banff – trying to research walking as an art practice
• stacked furniture in attempt to remember walk taken previously in italy
• started to discuss idea with a psychologist
• realized the relationship between walking and memory
• knew if enough time spent walking and remembering, the previous walk could be recalled
• talks about conditions of severe and unique memory loss caused from war injuries
• delusions of space – paramecia?
• the idea related to space in relation to locative media
• creates individual models of space
• Susan: questioning space and spatial authencity.
• Simon: shape of locative media
- miran kwan – writer on space
o saying that when you think of place you differentiate one location from another.
o create an economy of place marking e.g. tourist markings
- interested in connection between places and their relationship to other places
o creating an experiment with Vaughn relating to space and memory
• walking people in a park and then walking them in a straight hospital corridor
• publish it as psychology data
- exhibition – people coming to a gallery walking in the gallery space while they remember a walk through another gallery space – solo exhibition in Cardiff
o gallery space recall
o creating great discussion around creating an empty gallery space
o new institution critique - revived discussion about space
- place is meaningful location
- michel de certeau – place and space getting to the point
- mixed reality labs in knottingham, mark tuters, …got a huge academic research project together. drew hemmet and jen summers
• overview - focus on walking as a contemporary art practice
-working with sociologist to talk about walking as an art practice
• susan: link between simon and paula’s work relating to space – Paula’s work of overlaying information in place.
• simon: how people who have knowledge and understanding of information can participate in broadcast.
• Stephen: curious about the hallway and park walk. taking the winding walk and straighten it out. these points of crushing …like the analogies. straighting something out from memory.
• Ellie: raises Kurtis’ work
Elly Jones
• currently in a master's of engineering program
• got into engineering in grade school
• plays a variety of instruments including French horn
• described several engineering projects:
- a belt, called el-arm, that senses when people fall over and sends out a radio signal to get help
- was on discovery channel – received help to take idea into the real world
• got into working with hp – through jo reid
• used to do a marathon
• make airplanes (project in university)
Pam Wilson
administrative line producer
- work in textile
- shown in Toronto.
- came from Toronto to Banff
- latest show work in thesis – cautionary tale. mfa in western university in painting and textiles
o sky fowler
o chistine davis
o todd ________
- located within narrative of gender politics
- questions of identity
- work in embroidery
- bodies bear heads of animals
- work based in theory as well as practice
Ben Clayton
• computer science masters at Bristol university
• game called depth charge
• used motion pod
- seat and joy sticks and three screens
- on 6 hydraulic legs
o can mkove up/down/left and right/ twist
- worked on graphics
- game – duye to global warming, Bristol was underwater and Bristol had to be saved
- walked around Bristol with a camera
- created 3-d models of city
- sunk it underwater
- wanted to explore motion in game
o knew people who were marketing game were not gamer players
o created an introductory sequence
- for thesis created a project called elastic audio
o is a musician
o wanted to remix and change the tune in mixing
o developed application
• feed in audio
• uses pitch detection algorthyms
November 21st
- 9.00 - 11.00 HP Lab Session - JPL 313
HP Lab Session 9:00 am to 11:00 am JPL 313
- 11:30 - 13:30 meetings with Simon Pope
- 11:30 - 12:30 Stefan - 12:30 - 13:30 Marie-Christiane
November 22nd
- 11:00 - 12:00 Meetings with Simon Pope
- Sign-up here for 0.5hr sessions.
11am - micheal and jon
November 23rd
- 9.00 - 11.00 HP Lab Session - JPL 313
HP Lab Session 9:00 am to 11:00 am JPL 313
November 24th
- 9.00 - 11.00 HP Lab Session - JPL 313
HP Lab Session 9:00 am to 11:00 am JPL 313
- 11:00 - 13:00 Studio visits with Simon Pope
- Sign up here for 1hr or 0.5hr sessions.
- GPS Drawings with Paula
- Bring your own project (anything) you would like to show and discuss !
8:00- 11:00 pm
November 25th
8:00 pm 8 Larch Close, Canmore
RSVP to Lindsay by noon on November 23rd
November 26th
November 27th
HP Lab Session 9:00am - 11:00am JPL 313
- Mediascape web site
Patrick will discuss current ideas for creating a web site for mediascape browsing, download and upload.
Elley Jones, Software Intern, Mobile Media Solution Laboratory, HP Labs Bristol Patrick Goddi, Senior Researcher, HP Labs Palo Alto
Studio Visits with Simon 11:00 - 15:00
- Sign-up for 0.5 & 1hr sessions
November 28th
AUDIO WORKSHOP 9:30am - 12:30am JPL 105 Rice Studio
This workshop will do an introduction
- Voice recording
- Sound editing via Pro-Tools software
November 29th
Exit Interviews 1:30-5:00pm
November 30th
OPEN STUDIO Presentation of the projects which have been developped during the Almost Perfect residency.
AM Nothing Scheduled
PM Lily Shirvanee 4:30-5:00pm JPL 204
Presentation of the projects which have been developped during the Almost Perfect residency.
.10:00 a.m. - 12 p.m.
- Andrea Zeffiro Project presentation - JPL 204
- Please note that Andrea Zeffiro's studio JPL 213 will
be open from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.. Please drop by to experience a choreographed locative memory walk. The walk begins at the bottom of the spiral stairwell and ends in JPL 213.
- Sarah Lazarovic Project review - JPL 204
- Steve Woollard’s Project presentation - JPL 204
- Michael Heimbinder & Jon Cohrs Project presentation - JPL 204 - Paula Levine Project review - JPL 204
- Darick Baxter Project presentation - JPL 204
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Andrea Zeffiro Open Studio - JPL 213
.12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Open room for consulting the projects in JPL 204
.12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Stephan Schulz Presentation in JPL 204 * Stephan will perform until 3 p.m.
.12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - LUNCH
- Studio Cleanup 1:00pm JPL & GH
.1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Marie-Christiane Mathieu Meeting point : JPL 204
.2:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. SimonPope Meeting point : JPL 204
.3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Kurtis Lesick : Meeting point : JPL 204
.4 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. SimonPope Meeting point : JPL 204
.4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Chantal Dumas & Julian Priest Meeting point : JPL 204 Presentation in Glyde Hall, 3rd floor, studio 13 _____________________________________________________________
- Please note that JPL 204 will remain open for the entire
day (10 a.m.- 6 p.m.) for people to drop by and view projects that were created during this residency that are available in archive form on the web.
- Please note that Andrea Zeffiro's studio JPL 213 will
be open from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.. Please drop by to experience a choreographed locative memory walk. The walk begins at the bottom of the spiral stairwell and ends in JPL 213. ___________________________________________________________
- WRAP Party 9:00pm Max Bell Lounge (Fishbowl)
- You've all worked so hard and had great results ? let's celebrate our success! Come and have a drink, a dance, and an unforgettable evening with your Almost Perfect friends. Featuring the lovely and talented DJ Mama. A cash bar will be provided.
Mama, while born in France, her heart grew up in French Guyana and is currently adjusting to the alpine climate in Banff. Her sultry beats ultimately reflect the diversity of her travels as Mama will be performing sessions of Dancehall, Soca, Ragga, Reggaton, Hip Hop, Rai, Salsa, Cumbia, Bossa Nova, Zouk, African beats and French Rap. To bring the tempo down, Mama likes to soothe the crowd with Calypso, Soul, Zouk Love, Folk, R&B and Rock en Espanol. As the host of Mama's Meat Shack, this BNMI Radio 90 Cellular Pirate Radio DJ knows how to get her audience all worked into a sweat.