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Almost Perfect Conference call 2





From HP Bristol resopnsible for the MS platform we will be using

HP Bristol will send different people at different times.

Jo Reid - the first week

Richard Hull (HP Bristol)

Patrick Goddi (HP Labs Palo Alto)

Elly Jones will be there the whole time as HP contact

Intern at HP doing Computer Science degree - spedning a year at HP bristol as a year in industry

project co-ordinator and contact point for AP

Director of BNMI


Chantal Dumas

cannot be present travelling in Germany.

she is a peer advisor audio artist no experience with mediascape

Paula Levine

professor at San Francisco Uni - has used mediascape directly

2 projects

  1. on the wall separating palestine and Israel
  2. Using the fault lines in SF as a mapping tool - axes

julian can you give some background on your work?

free wireless

community networking

went in 3 directions

development - capacity building for wireless networking in the developing world

policy - spectrum politics - open spectrum

arts - media art practice - recently collaborative pieces on creative commons and spectrum

locative interest.

mapping elements in wireless network node databases -

media embedded in community networks - etc.

political structure of devices - spectrum use ip ownership etc.

introduces Almost Perfect

in the past residencies have been direct individual projects

people would come for their own projects - mature artists

random peer group of whoever was there

Almost perfect is first co-production lab

want to develop a critical mass around the residency

practice and discourse / craft and discourse

partnership with HP as tech partner

BNMI want to use this to learm about this new way of working

the call for participation did not tap into the mobile media community

most of them are very technically proficient

build their own systems

AP wants to get beyond that to the next wave of LM practitioners

first time locative users

level the playing field approach

one platform for all projects

10 projects in a month

alot of support for applicants

team of 4 people - peer advisors + tech support etc.

want to do talks and analsyis

How it will run

runs from November 5th - December 2nd

rough structure

also lots of fun stuff - trips etc.

maybe people like to work in different ways? walks and barbecues !

most of the time will be spent in production


70% on their research

30% talks organised contact time etc.

next stage 1 on 1 calls with artists

distribute bio's to the peer advisors

finalise the assessment

make final selection

next week - plane tickets

one on one calls with artists

Peer Advisors - to develop reading list

build agenda

Project plan finalised by Oct 20th

BNMI hasn't done a collective residency before


maybe I can help with that - done lots of collaborative stuff


peer developed network infrastructure

collaborative artworks

free software etc..

need some kind of shared workspace any suggestions?

how about a wiki?

which one?

mediawiki is quite good - the one wikipedia uses.

problems with our servers - just one outside the firewall. what do you need?

LAMP server (LinuxApacheMysqlPhp)

I can install on my server if you like.


we would like to explore the place that is banff

lots of firsts for banff with AP

first group residency

first teaching residency

first platform specific residency

Any other q's?

one for JR is the platform like director at all?

yes a bit - you can have a look at a version of it at and contact me for other versions etc. allows you to do the basics of attaching media to places.

Thanks for the call - more next week

call ends

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